News from the Proprietors




Welcome to Hardware Java
January 29, 2015

Coffee Please

Initially, Hardware Java ( started as a way to be creative. In the purest sense, this a coffee shop experience. Originally conceived as as way to develop and share stories as heard around a coffee shop (or bar, whichever you prefer; and the two are not mutually exclusive in anyway!), it is likely to morph into a few different areas.

So far in this brief journey, I have already learned many things I didn't know, and know there is so much to still learn. The old adage, "drinking from a fire hose" comes to mind.

Learning in my spare time terms like BlueHost, WordPress, plugins, dashboard, and so many more things. Being frustrated for hours (and really days) about not getting the gallery to work, and deleting several of the aforementioned plugins, and starting over a few times; until I finally got it right. Well, got it to work, maybe still not "right."

In pitching this to my friend Joe, I had asked that he be the co-proprietor of Hardware Java, to help tell the stories we will share.

Beyond the stories, and since we are in the process of writing, I thought a couple of other areas might be of some fun. In traveling a fair amount for my day job, we are adding a place to to share about the travel. My travel is not to very exotic locales. So far in 2015 I have been to Midland, Michigan; Canton, Ohio; Atlanta, Georgia, and Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska. So no Italian Mediterranean pictures ...., not crystal clear blue water. There are, though, interesting things about each. And now that the web site is somewhat functional, I feel I can FINALLY begin.

In the section "Brew & More", the intent is to mention the coffee I have had for the day. Maybe a good cigar. Possibly random thoughts about wine, whisky and gambling. Who knows?

In the end, this will likely just be a site visited by some family and some friends. At the very least, my wife and children might get a sense of the places I go. (And I will have pictures to prove that I have been somewhere, and not playing on a beach!)

Thanks for visiting. Now have get a cup of joe, relax, and let's see together what unfolds!

Steve, your humble co-proprietor of